
The Drunkard's Walk

Wed, Oct 17, 2018 02:00 CEST

Authors: Aurélien Ooms
Tags: Recurrences

A drunkard is zigzagging home. At every steps forward (or backward) he is making, he also moves \(1\) step to the left with probability \(p\) and \(1\) step to the right otherwise. He starts \(i\) steps to the right of a river. What is the expected number of steps forward before he falls into the river?

We model the expected number of steps before the drunkard falls into the river by \(A(i)\) when the drunkard starts \(i\) steps to the right of the river.

If the drunkard starts his walk after having fallen into the river, then he does not even need to move $$ A(0) = 0 $$

The statement of the problem allows us to express \(A(i)\) with respect to its neighbouring values. $$ A(i) = p A(i-1) + (1-p) A(i+1) + 1 $$

Another important point is that the expected number of steps before the fall is the same as the sum of the expected number of steps before moving one step towards the river by linearity of expectation. Hence, $$ A(i) = i A(1) $$

Solving for \(i=1\), $$ A(1) = p A(0) + (1-p) A(2) + 1 $$

$$ A(1) = (2-2p) A(1) + 1 $$

$$ A(1) (2p - 1) = 1 $$

$$ A(1) = \frac{1}{2p-1} $$

And finally $$ A(i) = \frac{i}{2p-1} $$

The problem can also be stated with the drunkard moving forward with probability \(p\) and backwards otherwise. Then ask what is the expected time before the drunkard reaches home (provided forward means in the direction of his home).

The Drunkard's Pilgrimage The Drunkard's Pilgrimage